Monday, June 28, 2010

15 Weeks

I am posting my first "belly" photo, because it has finally started to grow. Excuse the setting. I was in the work bathroom when I realized that my normal flat morning tummy was no longer happening, and the afternoon bloat had turned into an all day thing.

Things are still going very well. I am feeling fine, and have a good amount of energy for the most part. We have not really done anything to get ready yet. I think we both want to wait till the we find out the sex on August 2nd. I am sure once we know we will be very active in purchasing baby items.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

12 week appointment

Everything went well. Our doctor found the heartbeat right away, and it was amazing how fast it was beating. She estimated 170 bpm. We will not get to see the bean again till 20 weeks. We will also find out the sex at this appointment. That's it for now! Hi Jake!