Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Enchanted Forest

Our weekend was jam packed with activities. Saturday we went to Oaks Park for a 3rd birthday party. Addie road the train, the carousel, and played hard with some other little girls in the picnic area. Sunday we took her down to Salem, Oregon's Enchanted Forest . Mike and I both went there as kids, so it was fun to bring her. She loved all the rides there as well, but the highlight was the little bumper boats she got to drive herself. What a big girl she is becoming!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Some of our weekend

(Addie and Momo)


We didn't do much. Took a trip to the mall, two movies after bed time, and lots of time at the house. Sometimes those weekends are needed. 

Wednesday is a big day for us, we will soon know what baby #2 is!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

19 months

Here are some photos from our trip to the zoo today. Auntie Katye came and helped corral Addie along. She was so tired on the drive home that she didn't even make it to the freeway before passing out. Thus she didn't have a real nap all day, and was down for the night at 5:15pm.

I don't have her sats for 18 months yet (we are a month behind), but we see the doctor Friday. In addition to being 19 month old however, Addie also had her first taste of fish tonight. She is officially a pescatarian like her mommy.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A year and a half

It's been a while since I busted out the good camera and went to town. Here are a few that I photo edited with instagram. Man do I love this lady!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence Day

Ps. I felt baby move on the outside for the first time on July 4th.

Monday, July 2, 2012


My trip was awesome. It was great to get away and enjoy time with my friends, see my brother, and give Mike and Adelaide a bonding weekend without me. I have never been more excited about coming home, and was so happy I booked an early flight that allowed me the afternoon with my little.

(The beach day that ended in terrible sunburns for all!)
( Luis, Ro, Me, and Kate)

(18 week baby belly)
(Me, Roisin, and Kate)
(My world)