Monday, February 27, 2012

a tunnel for Adelaide

Mike left last Wednesday so we have been on our own. Everything has gone well so far, but I would never want to be a single parent! We dropped him off at the airport and made a quick stop at Ikea. Addie got 2 potties to have around the house and one to take to her grandparents. Mostly she just wants to carry it around, but I thought it was a good thing to have on hand in case she ever wants to sit on it. I'd like to get potty training started early. She seems interested in us going, so we might as well have the option available!

She also got a tunnel. This toy has provided lots of entertainment. I go through it, she goes through it, the dog goes through it, and some times all 3 of us are in it together! Lots of laughs thanks to this awesome tunnel. Highly recommended.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Whip cream is good.

We went to breakfast with Uncle Momo at Fat City Cafe on Saturday. Adelaide had her first pancake covered in whip cream. She loved it. This marked our first meal out since Hawaii. Things are much more challenging now that she walks, talks, and doesn't like being confined. I'm officially no longer the mother of a baby, this lady is all toddler now.