Thursday, July 14, 2011

7 months, teeth, and crawling!

It has finally happened. Addie has teeth. The first one poked its way through on July 1st, now there are two on bottom and one working its way in on top. I have been bit a few times, last night being the worst so far. Thankfully I was halfway asleep when it happened. In addition to teeth, Addie has figured out how to "army crawl". Yesterday was the first day where I sat her down and she worked her way back over to me wanting to be picked up. It is crazy how happy she makes me. She is an amazingly happy baby who loves to go out to dinner, shopping, and just leave the house in general. I could not ask for a better baby. We are approaching the really fun part of her growing up, and it freaks me out how fast it is going. I now get why people have a ton of kids. There really is nothing better in this world.