Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Thanks to my sisters genius we now have an amazingly tacky photo session of Adelaide. It's crazy what $6 can buy you sometimes. Well worth every penny.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

28 and 30

Over the weekend we went to the beach with our friends Morgan and Emily. It was a perfect time of year for the Oregon coast. The weather was beautiful! Addie loved playing in the sand even more than I expected. We took her crabbing on Friday, this was the coldest day of the weekend, but we still had a good time. We all came home Sunday night an enjoyed a birthday dinner for yours truly at the most kid/large party friendly restaurant ever, The Old Spaghetti Factory. Addie was an amazing trooper at dinner. She was
totally happy sitting for an hour and randomly started handing out hugs to people. This is a new favorite of mine. Monday I turned 28. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have such a wonderful life at such a young age. I also cannot wait for the new member of our family to arrive! Today marks 30 weeks pregnant, and all the joys that come with the end of pregnancy are upon us. I am having lots of practice contractions already. Lord help me!

Monday, September 10, 2012

A busy weekend...

We had a jam packed 3 days. Friday AM Adelaide and I visited my OBGYN to check on baby boy. Everything looked great but we are still waiting for my gestational diabetes results, not that I am at all worried. That night was my Dad's 60th Birthday party. It was great fun! Little lady was a trooper and made it all the way until 8:30pm before telling us she was ready for bed. It's amazing that she does this, but also quite nice to have a little person so happy to go to bed! Saturday we took her to her first concert. My Morning Jacket put on a show for children at the Kennedy School, and it was pretty awesome to see them live at such a small venue that was also directed at kids! Sunday we went to a BBQ for Auntie Katye's Birthday, which ended with another night of Addie telling me she is ready for bed! This weekend we are heading to the beach for a final vacation before we are the parents of two. So. Crazy. 

(We got knuckle tats instead of face painting at the concert) 
(Jamming out the the band MMJ)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


This is by far the worst sickness Adelaide has ever had. Last night she woke us up at 12am with a fever of 103.8 and was crying hysterically. We let her stay in our bed the rest of the night, which means I got about zero sleep. Today has been one of her most grumpy days to date. I feel so bad that she isn't feeling well, and I am very ready to have my sweet girl back to normal before our big weekend ahead! Wish us luck.