Wednesday, December 19, 2012

2 weeks old

Clutch is now 2 weeks old and 8lb 12oz. He gained a pound in the last week because all he does is eat eat eat!! Addie is doing a good job adjusting, but has her moments for sure. I am so thankful for everyone that has been willing to help out and take her off our hands. We had our first day at the house yesterday with just me and the kids. It went much better than I expected. Luckily I'll get a couple days a week to catch up on rest as the grandmas still plan on taking her for me. Now we just need to make it through the holidays!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Baby Boy

Clutch August was born 12/5/12 at 11:29am after a very fast labor and delivery. He weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. A lanky little man he is! We are all doing well.