Friday, July 30, 2010

20 weeks and it's a GIRL!!!

Here are some new photos of little Adelaide Louise Gits! She was 12oz and her little feet are 3cm long. She was wiggling all around and sucking her thumb. She might be a lefty! I couldn't wait until August 2nd, so they got us in a few days early. We will still see the doctor on Monday to make sure that everything is going well and find out if we will keep the same due date. I cannot wait to meet her, and dress her in little girly clothes. We are beyond excited!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Movement (19 week pic)

Over the weekend I started to be able to feel the baby move on the outside! Everyday now there are little feet or hands poking me from inside. It's a really amazing feeling but very strange at the same time. This week marks our 7 day countdown until we find out the sex. Our appointment is set for 8:50am on 8/2/10. Hopefully baby is not modest and lets us get a peek. The waiting has become very hard on both of us!